Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week 2 - Review

Goal review:
Start to remove all soda from daily consumption. 2/5 days at work complete - unsuccessful

Continue with the 60 oz water a day. (Success)
Continue to keep out energy drinks from daily consumption.(Success)

I was disapointed, but I can feel the momentum now. My body is reacting to not having the sugar and simply having tea and water in the morning.

I think this next week I can at LEAST do 4/5 days without it.

To keep things in perspective, there are 3 kitchens at work, all with fully stocked coolers with 8 different types; all free.
It's a big wall to climb.
Realizing this makes it easier to not be hard on myself. Seriously; hundreds of cans of soda, with no cost, just sitting there. However, one of the choices is Snapple Ice Tea. The sugar in it isn't much better.

I've got this. 

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