Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My eating during my first week of recovery

The surgery went well, everyone at the hospital was great. My mother took care of me from Thursday until yesterday (snow is coming and she didn't want to try to travel through it).

I'm actually quite surprised at how well everything seems to be going. My pain in the surgical area is almost null, I'm eating quite well; my appetite is finally back, and I'm getting by with minimal pain meds; only because that's what's needed now (of course, I'd take more if something kicked in).

I was worried that I'd go back to old habits, feeling sorry for myself and going into a guilt spiral. My orders to my mom were clear "simple, and as few ingredients as possible." Using rice cakes instead of bread was fun and helped. They fill you and keep your portions small. More importantly for me; I wasn't filling my body with crap.

What I've been eating:
Rice Cakes
Peanut Butter (smart balance)
Sprout and Clovers
Miso Soup - home made (only hot water, miso paste, carrots and celery)
Mixed Nuts
Fruit - Strawberries and Bananas. 

Things I stayed away from :

Everything I had included a small amount of salt in their preparations (meaning it was one of the ingredients) however I kept it small.

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