Monday, March 17, 2014

and suddenly it all hits

My diagnosis of Testicular Cancer had not fully hit when I was told last Friday.

Tonight I had to call about 5 different family and friends to give them updates. My Doctor's appointment today was filled with dates, times, instructions and next steps; I've been a whirl of action.

The thing that made it real was hearing my grandmother almost not be able to keep it together on the phone. She's had both breasts taken from cancer, and my cousin has written books on this type of cancer in men, being a survivor himself.

Getting into bed I started crying; it was real.

Chemo-therapy is an option on the table. For now, however, we're simply going to remove the right one and see if the limyph nodes relax naturally.

On the bright side, I've been reading up and the survival rate for this is amazingly high:
"Because testicular cancer usually can be treated successfully, a man’s lifetime risk of dying from this cancer is very low: about 1 in 5,000."

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