Saturday, June 14, 2014

slipping and dodging

So outside of not knowing what week i'm on now, I've seemed to fall back into some bad habits as of late. I think a big part of is has been my sleeping habits. The other major factor has been stress. But the biggest culprit has been access.

There have been a great number of hires at work - this means donuts. I've partaken in quite a few over the past 2 weeks.

Last week - after a larp event, I was bushed and had a redbull to get home. That week my whole body felt awful, however, because of the lack of sleep i compensated with more energy drinks. 3 to be exact.

Soda and junk soon followed.

Last weekend I made it my task to sleep more so to ballence what my body needed. Still feeling a bit hurt from all of it this was exceedingly important.

This past week's performance was better - I did notice an odd corrilation to my current state with increased volitility around dariy. so I went through the week removing cheese from everything.

I AM however, getting back on track - this was the week of weening off soda and it's been going well. Next week I'll be back to zero soda and I'll get right back on the wagon. Easy-pees y, and no need to get down on myself!!!

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