I've lost track of what week I'm on.
I'll be working on interjecting the date of the start of the week into my posts to better keep myself accountable with goals and achievements.
That being said - I was having a hard time getting my water consumption back up after coming back to work from the cancer surgery.
I'm happy to say that this is my first day of consuming MORE than 60oz of water since then.
It's definately becoming easier and I'm starting to see the results.
My weight has dropped, since I started, from 220 to 190. I'm holding and maintaining from 188-190 at this point for over 3 weeks now. I'm trying not to let the surgery stomach hold sway and allowing myself to eat, but making much better choices.
Other updates:
Cheese and Milk are out of the picture. My body hasn't had them in such a long time that it's rejecting things with cheese and giving me cramps. SO, no more dairy for this guy.
Meet - I've been at least 3 weeks without red meet. I've allowed myself chicken upon occasion. This week (4/28) is the first full week with Zero meet of any kind.
Walking - twice a week, for the past 2 weeks. Going to ratchet this up to 3 times a week. 15-30 mins during a lunch break.
Next things on the list:
*Full plant based protien - moving all the way into "vegan-hood".
*Increase intake of leafy greens - asparigas (spelling?) and broccoli have been introduced regularly, however, unconsciously from my GF. Need to make this a conscious effort.
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