Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 5 - Review

Some of these are carry over from week 4 as I specifically gave myself larger goals due to the infrequency each week:

Week 5 - specifically
Weekends count! - no slips! - 2 weeks solid results (complete!!!)
2 Salad replacement meals during lunch at work. - 2 weeks solid results  (complete)
Research protein meal replacements (had 3 of them for breakfasts with soy milk rather than almond milk)
Get Bottled Spring water for morning commute. (incomplete - still using tap. Almost back up to full 60 oz after going through the first week of recovery. )
(room for whatever goals liz sets for me)

Continue with the 60 oz water a day. (complete)
Continue to keep out energy drinks from daily consumption.(complete)
Remove all soda from daily consumption.  (complete)

Things that I've learned:
*Soy protein power actually binds better with soy milk rather than almond milk. Otherwise it clumps and is hard to swallow. 
*Adding Flax seeds to things is easy - especially if there is a binder like peanut butter. I'm planning on using more of this moving forward in just about everything; because why not?

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