Friday, February 27, 2015

week of feb 27th '15

I was able to keep myself in check the whole week. I felt really good about this.
I easily replaced soda with water, tea and Snapple .
Even though the sugar content is rather high in Snapple it felt like a good over all substitution. Headed in the right direction.

I've also easily crested into the 40oz of fluid daily range again. I've been lacking in this recently and I've been starting to tell.

Next steps:
salads for lunch 2-3 times a week
re-join local gym
cut down drinking

I don't really have goals around this because I honestly don't feel like I drink too much.
I can, however, tackle what I drink in addition to portion sizing upon consumption.
Recently I've been sticking to a "just 1" rule when going out with friends; this has lasted about 3 weeks at this point.
I am also, however, drinking more beer than anything else. As I'm normally sedentary around home and the office - I feel like this might balance out once I become more active on a regular basis. (Winter's are tough man!)

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